Behaviour Training Programme

Having a tough time managing your pet? Let us help you!

Behaviour Training / Change is Complex!

To ethically and effectively modify behaviour (a.k.a canine behaviour training for dogs), it is essential for behaviour consultants to possess a diverse skill set. They must gather information from various fields to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the behaviour, much like assembling the pieces of a puzzle.

An accurate assessment of the underlying motivations driving the behaviour is crucial. This, combined with a wide range of rewards-based training methods, forms a substantial toolkit for behaviour modification. Furthermore, everyone involved in the process must be committed to the endeavour.

However, it is important to note that, similar to all behavioural interventions, no consultant can guarantee a 100% success rate (and one should be cautious of anyone who does!). Nonetheless, with our expertise, we can provide you with the best possible chance of achieving positive outcomes.

For a deeper look into the intricacies of our behaviour modification approach, check out our canine behaviour training guide!

Our Skills

Understanding how animals evolved is crucial for analysing their behaviour and providing appropriate care to meet their needs.

Behaviourism uses specific strategies to shape animal behaviour using reinforcement-based techniques and identifying/managing triggers.

Health problems can contribute to behaviour issues. We can provide vet referrals to rule out medical causes that may be motivating the behaviour.

Considering the animal’s cognitive abilities is important in designing appropriate behaviour plans. This is especially important for very young or elderly pets.

The animal’s welfare must be considered in all behavioural interventions, using a scientific framework to minimise stress while maximising positive outcomes. 

Skillful trainers accurately understand animal behaviour, and implement appropriate training techniques to achieve the best results.

Not forgetting the human part of the equation – where effective communication, collaboration and judgement-free support is crucial for success.

Behaviour Consultation

For the best results, active participation and commitment from pet parents is essential. Sessions are usually conducted in your home, once every 2-3 weeks. We leave you ‘homework’ to complete in between sessions.

  • 1st Consultation $300

    Each session is between 1 hr 15 mins - 1 hr 30 mins. We will take a complete behaviour history, conduct a behaviour assessment and provide expert recommendations.

  • Subsequent Consultations $250

    Each session is between 1 hr - 1 hr 15 mins. We develop a customised behaviour plan that is continuously optimised based on your pet's progress. Then, we personally coach you through the process.

  • 4-Session Package (10% off) $945

    1st consult + 3 subsequent consults

Our fees (in SGD) cover the consultant’s expertise, documentation, time and transport. We endeavour to charge reasonably so that owners can seek professional help for their pets.

View our service policies here

Successful Canine Behaviour Training on German Shepherd -- watching traffic pass by calmly with our reacting

Day Training services are available for busy-bee pet parents. This means that we can train your pet without you present – Sit back and relax, let us do the work!        

Contact us at 9690 7173 for our Day Training rates.

Behaviour Consultation

For the best results, active participation and commitment from pet parents is essential. Sessions are usually conducted in your home, once a week / every 2 weeks. We leave you ‘homework’ to complete in between sessions.

Day Training services are available for busy-bee pet parents. This means that we can train your pet without you present – Sit back and relax, let us do the work!         Contact us at 9690 7173 for our Day Training rates. 

Our fees (in SGD) cover the consultant’s expertise, documentation, time and transport. We endeavour to charge reasonably so that owners can seek professional help for their pets.

Successful Canine Behaviour Training on German Shepherd -- watching traffic pass by calmly with our reacting

Common Behaviour Problems

Our behaviour consultants are trained to resolve a variety of complex behaviour issues that dogs may face.

Read on if you’d like to know more!


Aggression towards People/Dogs/Other Animals

Aggressive behaviour such as growling, lunging, snapping and biting is a serious problem that threatens the safety of you, your family and your community. Dogs displaying aggression are often experiencing emotional distress, and react by showing aggression to cause the trigger to move away. A common scenario is when a fearful dog is approached by a stranger. The dog bites to cause the stranger to withdraw. Overtime, the behaviour strengthens and gets worse because it is a very effective strategy from the dog’s point of view. Aggression will often intensify as the behaviour is reinforced, causing deeper and more severe bites and/or reacting more quickly without showing warning signals.

We refrain from using any punishment or aversive stimulation when modifying aggressive behaviour. Not only is it dangerous for everyone involved, strong evidence from research indicates that punishment is unlikely to resolve the issue and can even make the problem much worse. Educated professionals harness the power of behavioural sciences to change behaviour humanely by modifying contingencies and changing the environment to achieve lasting/resilient outcomes, and there are many techniques currently available to do this in a gradual and positive manner.

“Quick-fixes” such as using a training/electric/prong collar to suppress the aggression may appear to work at first, but could quickly become useless (e.g. when the dog develops a pain tolerance) or create new behaviour problems (e.g. generalised anxiety from experiencing an unpredictable, intense aversive stimulus).

It is advisable to seek help as early as possible to minimise chances of injury to others. Chances of success are often higher when the problem is tackled early.

Resource Guarding (e.g. over food, toys, territory, people)

Resource guarding or aggression around valuable resources such as tasty food, bones, toys, territory and even their favourite people, is a common problem in dogs. The characteristic signs of resource aggression around their protected items are sudden freezing, showing eye whites, baring teeth, growling and snapping. This usually occurs when another person/animal approaches when the dog is holding on to the resource.

While this behaviour is considered inappropriate for pet dogs, from an evolutionary standpoint, it is beneficial for dogs to fiercely defend valuable and scarce resources. As such, in some cases the dog develops resource guarding naturally, but in other cases the dog may be accidentally ‘trained’ to aggress after it learns that people/other dogs will forcefully take away their items or intrude into their safe space. This is why puppy education and preventative training is so important to prevent such issues from developing. If your dog already has this problem, all is not lost – as we can help to properly address and manage it with rewards-based behaviour modification techniques.

Fear & Anxiety, Phobias

Many dogs suffer from fear and anxiety-related conditions that are left untreated until they become a more serious problem, manifesting as aggression, generalised anxiety, and severe phobias (e.g. storm phobia). Sometimes, fear and anxiety can also lead to health problems and a shortened overall lifespan. From scientific literature, we know that genetics can increase the risk of dogs developing fear and anxiety issues, and certain types of dogs are much more prone to these conditions. Early, positive exposure to potential triggers during a puppy’s sensitive socialisation period is crucial to significantly reduce fear and anxiety in adulthood and build behavioural resilience.


It is important to recognise that dogs with these conditions are often experiencing a poor quality of life, being afraid and anxious every single moment of their lives. Imagine a person trying to get through life this way! It is our duty to address and alleviate suffering through the appropriate methods, usually in conjunction with veterinary/therapeutic support.

Separation Anxiety/Isolation Distress

Separation anxiety as the name suggests, is a type of anxiety. It deserves a category on its own due to how widespread it is – especially after Covid-19 lockdowns around the world. The dog is fearful of being left alone or separated from you, and becomes anxious whenever it sees signs that the you’re about to leave the home. The dog may vocalise (bark, whine or howl) for hours on end until you return, disturbing neighbours and causing you much grief. It may also destroy the home and toilet inappropriately in its panic.


Outdated methods of resolving separation anxiety such as providing food toys and crate confinement does little to solve the problem, although it may provide temporary relief. It may even worsen the condition and significantly compromise the dog’s welfare.


Learn more about how we treat separation anxiety using modern, effective methods of training. 

Leash Pulling, Unruly Behaviour, Over-excitement

Is your dog a slave to its impulses? It may be uncontrollable, always jumping on people in excitement, or pulling hard on a leash whenever you go for a walk. The dog may not have learnt how to control its emotions, and is used to get what it wants, whenever it wants. 


We can help to teach your dog how to settle down and be calm. We also teach the concept of delayed reinforcement, where it pays off to wait patiently for whatever it wants. Your dog will become much more manageable and pleasant to be around, once it learns how to behave appropriately in a range of environments. 

Excessive Barking

Dogs bark to communicate and express their emotions. However, excessive use of barking quickly becomes a problem in our densely populated society. Dogs can bark for a variety of reasons – to communicate their displeasure, when they are afraid, to get your attention or when experiencing severe anxiety. We will conduct a proper assessment on the motivation for the barking before developing a behaviour modification plan to effectively target the issue.  


It is possible to teach dogs to be quiet using welfare-friendly, rewards-based methods. Using an anti-bark collar to punish and suppress the barking via electric shocks/aversive sprays is dated and can cause harm to your dog’s emotional and physical health. Such methods do not last and the dog often reverts back to the original behaviour once the collar is removed. Hence, we focus on creating long-term change that doesn’t result in harmful side effects.

Toileting Problems (e.g. peeing/pooing in the house)

Toileting is part of daily life and can be frustrating when your dog ‘just doesn’t get it’. Your dog may be peeing/pooing on the floor, or refusing to go when you are nearby! Many young dogs need instruction on appropriate places to go to the toilet, and this can be taught in a positive way.


Toileting issues may also be a symptom of a larger health problem, or an anxiety-related condition. We will conduct a proper assessment to dissect the problem and develop a plan to help you and your dog overcome it.

Behaviour Problems in Other Animals

We work with other species as well, such as cats, rabbits and even terrapins! Contact us for rates.


Aggression towards People/Cats/Other Animals

Cat aggression often takes a backseat as they generally deal less damage as compared to dogs. However, it is not something to be taken lightly as an aggressive cat is oftentimes a stressed cat! Chronic stress can be extremely detrimental to the health and well-being of your cat.


We do not condone the use of spray bottles, air pumps, or any other aversive tool/method to modify behaviour. We stand guided by science and aim for meaningful, lasting behaviour change using desensitisation and counterconditioning in conjunction with differential reinforcement techniques.

Fear & Anxiety, Phobias

There are many reasons why your cat may be afraid of certain people, animals, environments, or procedures such as grooming or veterinary checkups. Past traumatic experiences, lack of proper socialisation during the crucial stages, genetics just to name a few. To be in a constant state of fear is to have a lower quality of life. If you have noticed excessive grooming, restlessness, decrease in appetite, increased vocalisation, etc. do not hesitate. The sooner we address the issue, the better the prognosis.

Toileting Problems (e.g. peeing/pooing outside the litterbox)

Peeing or pooping outside the litter tray can be a real hassle for most of us and it is not to be taken lightly! A recent traumatic experience, new addition to the household, underlying medical conditions; all these and more could lead to your cat peeing and pooping at places that they don’t normally do. One thing is for sure, your cat is experiencing elevated levels of stress and anxiety.


We will conduct a comprehensive assessment to determine the triggers and subsequently formulate a plan for you that is both feasible and achievable!

Multi-cat Household Integrations

If you’re looking to introduce a new pet into a household with cats or if you’ve already introduced them but they’re not getting along, it’s important not to leave them to figure it out on their own. This can lead to potential conflicts and problems. Instead, a properly planned and structured programme can significantly increase the chances of success.

By implementing proactive measures and following a well-thought-out programme, you can prevent potential issues and create a harmonious environment for all your pets. Prevention is always better than trying to fix problems later on. Let us assist you in creating a plan that considers the unique dynamics of your pets, ensuring a smoother and more successful integration process.

Small Critters

Rabbits - Toileting Problems, Aggression, Rabbit Introductions

By harnessing science-based techniques, we can effectively address behavioural issues displayed by even the most exotic of animals.


Exhibiting signs of aggression and fear, rabbits can sometimes demonstrate such challenging behaviour, particularly when they perceive a threat. In addition, some rabbits may encounter difficulties with their toileting habits and could greatly benefit from consulting with us.


Given that rabbits are highly social creatures, it is important to keep them in pairs of the same sex or sterilised. Introducing and bonding rabbits can be a stressful endeavour, as any misstep can result in severe injuries or even loss of life. We are here to assist you throughout this process, offering guidance on the safest approach to successfully bond your rabbits.

Guinea Pigs, Chinchillas, Hamsters, Mice & Rats - Fearful/Aggressive Behaviour

Likewise, smaller exotic creatures like guinea pigs, chinchillas, hamsters, mice, rats, turtles, and even frogs can exhibit behavioural issues. Many of these species have evolved as prey animals, making them naturally prone to skittishness. Additionally, some may display aggressive tendencies or develop abnormal behaviors, such as excessive grooming.


If you would like to learn more, we encourage you to reach out to us for a discussion. Our team is here to provide valuable insights and guidance regarding the behaviour and well-being of these fascinating creatures.

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